=Fallout 3 Console Item Modding Tutorial=
The console is a list of Commands for the pc versions of games.
Mostly every game that has a couterpart on the PC has these commands in them. Fallout 3, which is on the 360, PC, and PS3 includes the commands on ALL systems.
But how far the commands go still remains unknown.
Xplorer (
20 gig HDD //
120 gig HDD)
Hex Workshop
CONcept 0.3 (resigner/rehasher)
WinRAR (to open most files)
.Net Framework 3.5 (To Run any program)
Hex Editor
How to get the Cable, XPORT, or XSATA
The Tutorial
Step 1: First connect your hard drive to the your computer (via: Transfer Cable/XSATA/XPORT)
Step 2: Now open up Xtreme or Xplorer depending on your hard drive and find your Fallout 3 location. (It will be in Partition 3, maybe about 3 or 4 lines down, it varies)
Step 3: Drag your save onto your desktop
Step 4: Open up your save with Hex Editor
Step 5: Open Hex Workshop and select at the top "File" > "New"
Step 6: While in Hex Workshop select "Edit" > "Insert" then select 4 and hit enter
Step 7: now on one of the websites below find the base ID you want, for me I will use the Financial Clipboard Base ID which is 00025236 (it will look like: 00 02 52 36)
Step 8: now type in your base ID in the area that you have open in Hex Workshop (like in the pic below)
Step 9: Select that ID and go to "Tools" > "Operations" > "Byte Flip"
Step 10: In the drop down box select "32 Bit Unsigned Long" and Click OK.
Step 11: Now if you used the Financial Clipboard then it will now look like this:
36 52 02 00
Step 12: Now go back to your save in Hex Editor (aka HxD) and hit CTRL + F (Find)
Step 13: Now type in your new Base ID and hit "Find"
Step 14: and now replace that with another Base ID, so lets use Liberty Prime's Laser Beam, the original Base ID for that was 00033FE2 and now it is E23F0300
Step 15: so now that you replaced 36520200 with E23F0300 then save your new file and open up CONcept 0.3
Step 16: Select "File" > "Open" and open your save, then Resign and Rehash
Step 17: Now put your new save back onto your hard drive and play it
(*This will replace EVERY financial clipboard in the game that you have come in contact with with the Liberty Prime Laser, and you can only take that item when it is in and object's inventory)
(** Not all items can only be taken through another objects inventory, just items with a world model)
so now you should be able to mod Fallout 3's Console Items
=Console Websites=
Fallout Wiki
Already Converted IDs
Green Plate= 3FB60500
Red Plate= 3EB60500
White Plate= 3DB60500
Cherry Bomb= 08210200
Scrap Metal= 44190300
Squrrel-On-A-Stick= 49190300
Vault 87 Jumpsuit= ED400300
Vault 92 Jumpsuit= F3730B00
Earnings Clipboard= 37520200
Financial Clipboard= 36520200
Tesla Power Pack= 71F50800
Liberty Prime Laser= E23F0300
Ghoul Mask= 1CDC0100
Shot Glass= B5400300
Vertibird Gun= 519C0800
Science Skill Book= 3C400300
Small Guns Skill Book= 3E400300
Speech Skill Book= 44400300
Sneak Skill Book= 45400300
Energy Weapons Skill Book= 41400300
Lockpick Skill Book= 46400300
Big Guns Skill Book= 48400300
Mutilated Ogans= D9F20600
Pre-War Money= 67400300
Firelance= BA800C00
Mirelurk Meat= 4E400300
Dirty Water= A4510100
Pure Water= A3510100
Army Power Armor= 721A0600
Army Power Helmet= 084C0100
You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L!= EFB20A00
Paladin Cross’s Armor= 736C0600
Mirelurk Meat= 4E400300
Mys. Stranger .44 Magnum= 920F0500
Requires Operation Anchorage
Sim. Winterized Power Amor= 8DC10000 (8DC10003?)
Sim. Winterized Power Helmet= 081F0000 (081F0000?)
General Chase's Overcoat= 7BAD0003
Winterized Army Mechanic= ECA00003
Winterized Chinese Uniform= CAC10003
General Jingwei's Unfiorm= CAC10000
General's Hat= C8C10000
Stealth Armor= 8FC10003
Requires The Pitt
Ashur's Power Armor= 52680002
Requires Broken Steel
Wig= 663B0003
Composite Recon Helmet= B5880003
Enclave Hellfire Helmet= 80100003
Enclave Hellfire Armor= 81100003
Police Hat= 91B40A00
All-Nighter Nightwear= 64B90003
Lag-Bolt's Combat Armor= 5FB90003
Lag-Bolt's Shades= 60B90003
Callahan's Magnum= 06B80003
Tri-Beam Laser Rifle= 18580003
Slo-Burner Flamer= B3910003
Rapid-Torch Flamer= B1910003
Precision Gatling Laser= 95880003
Heavy Incinerator= 84100003
Tesla Cannon= 25670003
Discharge Hammer {Cut Content}= BF880003
Aqua Pura= 4F100003
Aqua Cura= 626F0003
Holy Water= 7A4C0003
Miscellaneous Item
Tesla Coil= 87560003
Senate Employee ID= 8E2E0003
Super Mutant Blood Sample= 959F0003
Main Fuse= 1E640003
Deathclaw Control Scrambler- 30650003
People (Reference/Base)
Paladin Cross= 35270600/E5560100
Eulogy Jones= 10600200/9F560100
Mister Lopez= 5AE70100/59E70100
Clover= D8840300/A2560100
Ted Strayer= 57E70100/BE560100
Tulip= 22760B00/F8560100
Charon= E1B80200/F6560100
Vault 101 Door= 3F550B00 and/or 10470200
Bush1 = 87CB0100
Cut Content
Wanda (Assault Rifle)= 33B50600
Black Bart's Bane (BB Gun)= 35B50600
Curse Breaker= BB800C00
Item > Item =
Item > People =
Item > World Unmovable Object =
Item > World Movable Object =
People > Item = ???
People > People =
People > World Unmovable Object = ???
People > World Movable Object = ???
World Unmovable Object > Item = ????
World Unmovable Object > People = ???
World Unmovable Object > World Unmovable Object = ???
World Unmovable Object > World Movable Object = ???
World Movable Object > Item = ???
World Movable Object > People = ???
World Movable Object > World Unmovable Object = ???
World Movable Object > World Movable Object = ???